Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Rush - Power Windows Demos (Mr. Sifter Remaster)

Power Windows Demos

Remastered by Mr. Sifter, Feb. 2024

Middletown Dreams
The Big Money
Mystic Rhythms
Emotion Detector
Grand Designs
Manhattan Project

So, who knows if the story below that came with the original distribution is true, but there's so little unreleased Rush studio material out there that this tape seemed worth the time to work on and see what could be done. The quality and sonics varied from track to track, and overall it (understandably) bears all the hallmarks of a 2nd or 3rd gen dub or poor quality cassettes/decks used in making this source tape. 

Don't expect miracles, but I have tried to draw a bit more detail and depth out of what was on the cassettes, as always it may or may not be to a listener's particular tastes. I reduced some of the tape noise, rebalanced the sound to bring Geddy's vocals out a bit more, and did some overall EQ. 

Source: (see below) > iZotope RX > iZotope spectral de-noise > mastering via Ozone

Google Drive Link

Original notes: 


Power Windows Demo Tape
Original Version (No Noise Reduction)
UltimoGuitarist's cassette tape of the Power Windows Demos
Encoded with Tag&Rename

"Alright guys. I think i've stumbled across a rare gem that no one out there has or has heard.

Our drummer showed played me a cassette tape of Power Windows in its entirety before it was even taken to the recording studio. That's right, sort of like a pre power windows personal recording of Alex's.

Now, he says that he's probably the only one who has it, and here's why.

Apparently a friend of his was walking downtown in Toronto, and Alex Lifeson's son had this tape, and was shouting out, "listen to my dads new album power windows!!" etc. And this friend of my drummers was given the tape by lifesons son, and then gave it to our drummer since he knew he was a hardcore Rush fan.

So now our drummer has this tape, and he's certain that no one else has it, so I wanted to check in with you guys to see if anyone else out there has it, and whether or not its worth it to make it public.

For the record, he played the tape for me, and I listened to manhattan project, and he wasnt lying. Completely different arrangements and a nice home made sound to recording. It's like sitting in the house with them while they jam. Quite amazing.

So he's going to back it up to CD, and give me a copy, and i'll make it public for you all to hear if this is something that no one knows of. So let me know.

This isnt one of those lame threads of someone just making up BS for something to do. I wouldn't yank your chains. This thing is real, and im willing to share it with you guys if you wanna hear it. I'm gonna stay on him and make sure he puts it to CD for me."

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